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1080P/2160P高清电影区 今日: 515 |主题: 21147|排名: 1 

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[1080p] 守护者联盟 Rise.of.the.Guardians.2012.BluRay.1080p.x264 CHD 7.9G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..11 HDCHD 2013-3-1 10221162 星星点个灯 2023-7-10 17:11
[1080p] 雨人/手足情未了 [国英双语] Rain.Man.1988.BluRay.1080p.DTS.2Audio.x264 CHD 15G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..16 HDCHD 2013-2-28 15828006 montreal200840 2024-12-13 11:08
[1080p] 红色黎明/追击赤色风暴 Red.Dawn.2012.BluRay.1080p.DTS.x264 CHD 8.7G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..8 HDCHD 2013-2-26 7017904 chickenz 2024-2-26 14:02
[1080p] 英雄 [美版/国语] Hero.2002.Bluray.DTSHD.1080p.x264 CHD 7.9G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..24 HDCHD 2013-2-26 23933521 predator17 2025-2-3 21:31
[1080p] 暮色1-4部(上、下)The.Twilight.2008-2012.Bluray.1080p.DTS 63G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..19 HDCHD 2013-2-23 18227386 fh812109 2024-12-21 17:27
[1080p] 导火线/杀破狼2 [国/粤语] Flash.Point.2007.Bluray.1080p.DTSES.x264 CHD 7.9G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..32 HDCHD 2013-2-23 31042390 lornchan 2024-11-20 14:45
[1080p] 寂静岭2 Silent.Hill.Revelation.2012.BluRay.1080p.DTS.x264 CHD 7.9G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..20 HDCHD 2013-2-21 19734442 boyiwwy 2025-2-1 11:26
[1080p] 藏品/搜尸魔(台) The.Collection.2012.BluRay.1080p.DTS.x264 CHD 7.9G attachment heatlevel  ...23456 HDCHD 2013-2-21 5413772 CSTERNA 2023-11-24 20:14
[1080p] 妙笔生花 [明星云集] The.Words.2012.BluRay.1080p.AC3.x264 CHD 8.6G attachment heatlevel  ...23456 HDCHD 2013-2-21 5213446 星星点个灯 2023-7-10 16:55
[1080p] 惊天巨啸 The.Impossible.2012.BluRay.1080p.DTS.x264 CHD 10.8G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..9 HDCHD 2013-2-21 8721441 星星点个灯 2023-7-10 16:11
[1080p] 朋友 [张东健] Friend.2001.BluRay.1080p.DTS.x264 CHD 11G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..17 HDCHD 2013-2-21 16025847 CHENYUZHONG 2024-10-10 15:02
[1080p] 小小莲池/小莲池 A.Little.Pond.2009.BluRay.1080p.DTS.x264 CHD 6.9G attachment heatlevel  ...23456 HDCHD 2013-2-21 5110477 星星点个灯 2023-7-10 11:18
[1080p] 鱼 Gyo.Tokyo.Fish.Attack.2012.BluRay.1080p.DTS.x264 CHD 5G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..8 HDCHD 2013-2-21 7915718 星星点个灯 2023-7-10 11:16
[1080p] 爱情曙光/欲望女郎 Love.Exposure.2007.BluRay.1080p.DTS.x264 CHD 6.8G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..7 HDCHD 2013-2-21 6115916 星星点个灯 2023-7-10 11:14
[1080p] 壁花少年 The.Perks.of.Being.a.Wallflower.2012.BluRay.1080p.DTS.x264 CHD 13G attachment heatlevel  ...23456 HDCHD 2013-2-21 5615392 星星点个灯 2023-7-10 11:12
[1080p] 面纱/猜心(台) The.Painted.Veil.2006.BluRay.1080p.AC3.x264 CHD 8.8G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..12 HDCHD 2013-2-21 11021300 风-破浪 2025-2-8 21:07
[1080p] 科学怪狗 Frankenweenie 2012 BluRay 1080p DTS x264 CHD 6.5G attachment heatlevel  ...2345 HDCHD 2013-2-21 4210404 星星点个灯 2023-7-10 11:08
[1080p] 海猿-东京湾空难[日本突破73亿票房]Umizaru.Brave.Hearts.2012.BluRay.1080p.DTS 9.5G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..8 HDCHD 2013-2-21 7217400 boyiwwy 2025-2-3 18:44
[1080p] 暮光之城4: 破晓(下) The Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn Part 2 BluRay 1080p DTS 9.5G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..15 HDCHD 2013-2-20 14826755 星星点个灯 2023-7-10 10:54
[1080p] 惊曝内幕/局内人/夺命烟幕 The.Insider.1999.BluRay.1080p.DTS.x264 CHD 16.5G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..14 HDCHD 2013-2-18 13322167 风-破浪 2024-12-19 17:11
[1080p] 安娜·卡列尼娜 Anna.Karenina.2012.BluRay.1080p.DTS.x264 CHD 10.8G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..9 HDCHD 2013-2-18 8018212 jun.woo 2024-3-20 10:16
[1080p] 建筑学概论/初恋筑迹101(港) Architecture.101.2012.BluRay.1080p.DTS.x264 CHD 10G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..12 HDCHD 2013-2-18 11917962 星星点个灯 2023-7-10 10:03
[1080p] 无敌破坏王 Wreck-It.Ralph.2012.BluRay.1080p.DTS.x264 CHD 7.9G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..9 HDCHD 2013-2-18 8418165 星星点个灯 2023-7-10 10:02
[1080p] 我老婆未满十八岁2 [港版制作/国粤双语] My.Sassy.Hubby.2012.BluRay.1080p.AC3 6.5G attachment heatlevel  ...23456 HDCHD 2013-2-18 5012496 星星点个灯 2023-7-10 10:00
[1080p] 晚娘2012(上) Jan.Dara.Pathommabot.2012.BluRay.1080p.DTS.x264 CHD 10.8G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..31 HDCHD 2013-2-18 30138977 wnjwz 3 天前
[1080p] 007: 大破天幕杀机 Skyfall.2012.BluRay.1080p.DTS.x264 CHD 12.5G attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..35 HDCHD 2013-2-6 34643764 星星点个灯 2023-7-10 09:56
[1080p] 铁拳 [美版/未分级加长版] The.Man.with.the.Iron.Fists.2012.BluRay.1080p.DTS 8.7G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..8 HDCHD 2013-2-6 7820931 欣赏和了解 2024-4-10 21:10
[1080p] 逃离德黑兰 [国/英语] Argo.2012.BluRay.1080p.DTS.2Audio.x264 CHD 10G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..11 HDCHD 2013-2-6 10822431 海风向西吹 2024-3-24 01:27
[1080p] 未婚女子/伴娘HOLD不住 Bachelorette.2012.BluRay.1080p.DTS.x264 CHD 6.5G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..10 HDCHD 2013-2-6 9116690 星星点个灯 2023-7-10 09:51
[1080p] 圆舞360/移城别恋 360.2011.Bluray.1080p.AC3.x264 CHD 10G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..7 HDCHD 2013-2-6 6514560 星星点个灯 2023-7-10 09:49
[1080p] 旭日婚礼 Cheerful.Weather.for.the.Wedding.2012.BluRay.1080p.DTS.x264 CHD 6.5G attachment heatlevel  ...2345 HDCHD 2013-2-6 4810152 星星点个灯 2023-7-10 09:47
[1080p] 催眠师/催眠术士 The Hypnotist 2012 BluRay 1080p DTS x264 CHD 8.7G attachment heatlevel  ...2345 HDCHD 2013-2-1 4310605 星星点个灯 2023-7-10 09:02
[1080p] 望夫成龍 [国粤双语/繁英SUP字幕] Love.is.Love.1990.BluRay.1080p.2Audio.DTS 11.6G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..7 HDCHD 2013-1-30 6716311 星星点个灯 2023-7-10 09:00
[1080p] 鬼打鬼 [国粤双语/繁英SUP字幕] Spooky.Encounters.1980.BluRay.1080p.2Audio.DTS 12G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..10 HDCHD 2013-1-30 9420084 abys 2024-12-6 10:04
[1080p] 捉鬼敢死队 [国英双语/英简繁SUP字幕] Ghostbusters.1984.Blu-Ray.1080p.2Audio 14.5G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..14 HDCHD 2013-1-30 13121280 星星点个灯 2023-7-10 08:56
[1080p] 在云端 [英繁SUP字幕] Up.In.The.Air.2009.Blu-Ray.1080p.DTS-HD.MA.5.1.x264 12.3G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..11 HDCHD 2013-1-30 10321362 储小少 2024-11-29 19:49
[1080p] 007之提摩西.道尔顿合集 [终极高参压制/国粤英三语] James.Bond.BluRay.1080p 35.6G attachment heatlevel  ...23456 HDCHD 2013-1-30 5113513 xyzhj 2024-9-21 22:30
[1080p] 龍少爺 [国粤双语/繁英SUP字幕] Dragon.Lord.1982.BluRay.1080p.2Audio.DTS 12.3G attachment heatlevel  ...2345 HDCHD 2013-1-28 4712112 星星点个灯 2023-7-10 08:50
[1080p] 飞侠哥顿 Flash.Gordon.1980.BluRay.1080p.DTS.x264 CHD 10G attachment heatlevel  ...2345 HDCHD 2013-1-28 4710194 星星点个灯 2023-7-10 08:49
[1080p] 陷阱/盗火雪岭 Deadfall.2012.BluRay.1080p.DTS.x264 CHD 7.9G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..9 HDCHD 2013-1-28 8516495 yananqi0806 2024-11-2 13:03
[1080p] 西西里的美丽传说 [完整版] Malena.2000.UNCUT.BluRay.1080p.DTS.x264 CHD 9.5G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..36 admin 2013-1-28 35644884 laowangsd 2025-1-25 19:25
[1080p] 寒战 [国/粤] Cold.War.2012.BluRay.1080p.DTS.2Audio.x264 CHD 8.5G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..35 HDCHD 2013-1-27 34142094 gundamk 2025-2-18 20:46
[1080p] 天生爱情狂 [国粤双语] Natural.Born.Lovers.2012.BluRay.1080p.AC3.x264 CHD 8G attachment heatlevel  ...23456 HDCHD 2013-1-27 5111309 风-破浪 2024-10-20 11:44
[1080p] 寒战 [国粤双语] Cold.War.2012.BluRay.1080p.2Audio.DTS-HD.MA.5.1.x264 8.2G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..19 HDCHD 2013-1-25 18529842 papa2656 2024-11-27 10:02
[1080p] 飞龙猛将 [国粤双语] Dragons Forever 1988 BluRay 1080p DTS x264 12.6G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..8 HDCHD 2013-1-24 7917633 744401234 2023-9-28 22:25
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